About Us
Sustainability & CSR
The Importance Of Responsibility
At Future-tech we believe that we all have a huge responsibility as the current custodians of our environment and must consider our current environmental impact for future generations.
We therefore feel that contribution to projects that have a direct impact and contribution to the health and longevity of the spaces we occupy is vitally important.
We have chosen to focus on reforestation projects based on the many benefits these bring. Trees are ultimately essential for people, wildlife and the environment and we recognise both the social and ecological benefits of reforestation schemes.
To this end we are thrilled to be able to contribute to the projects below.

Our Projects
- Maputo/Boane, Mahubo, Mozambique
- Kitiligini, Kijabe Forest Trust, Kenya
When an economy digitises, those lower on the economic ladder can be easily left behind. These people are often those that are also most affected by regional climate change and the broader effects associated with habitat destruction.
Future-tech is working with Eden Reforestation Projects to employ these people, provide them dignity through employment, an opportunity to earn a sustainable wage, send their children to school, improve their lives and restore their local environments.
Future-tech has committed to employing people in Mozambique and Kenya for a minimum of 4 years. This will enable these teams to plant a minimum of 1 million trees across the two locations during this time.

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